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Demon Hunter Starting Zone WoW | Mardum, the Shattered Abyss | World of Warcraft Retail

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Watch this video to know the Demon Hunter Starting Zone WoW in Mardum, the Shattered Abyss – Broken Isles - in the game World of Warcraft Retail.

The Demon Hunters, a heroic class in "World of Warcraft," begin their journey in a unique starting zone called Mardum, the Shattered Abyss. Introduced in the "Legion" expansion, Mardum was specially crafted as the initial backdrop for the narrative and development of Demon Hunters.


Mardum is a fractured and warped world, originally conceived by the Titans as a prison to contain the most dangerous demons. As such, the environment is chaotic and infernal, filled with ruined landscapes, streams of fel energy, and numerous demons. This hostile setting serves as the perfect training ground for Demon Hunters to hone their skills.


The journey of the Demon Hunters begins when they are freed from their captivity by Illidan Stormrage, the leader of the Demon Hunters. Players undergo a series of quests that teach them to harness their new powers, including the use of Spectral Sight and demonic metamorphosis abilities.


The primary base of operations in Mardum is the Fel Hammer, a floating fortress that acts as the headquarters for Demon Hunters. This base is not only a place to receive missions and learn new skills but also a gathering point for members of the class to strategize their fight against the Burning Legion.


Mardum is crucial in establishing the dark tone and the narrative of redemption and vengeance that define the Demon Hunters, introducing players to the class's commitment to using the powers of chaos against the demons themselves.



01: Barnyard Surprise - The Whole Other


This zone is also available in other languages, such as:

German: Startzone der Dämonenjäger WoW | Mardum, der Zerrüttete Abgrund

English: Demon Hunter Starting Zone WoW | Mardum, the Shattered Abyss

Spanish: Zona de Inicio de Cazador de demônios WoW | Mardum, el Abismo Devastado

French: Zone de Départ de Chasseur de démons WoW | Mardum, les abysses Brisés

Italian: Zona di Partenza di Cacciatore di Demoni WoW | Mardum, l'Abisso Spezzato

Brazilian Portuguese: Zona de Início de Caçador de Demônios WoW | Mardum, o Abismo Partido

Russian: Начальная Зона Охотник на демонов WoW | Мардум, Расколотая Бездна

Korean: 악마사냥꾼 시작 지역 WoW | 마르둠 - 산산조각난 심연

Chinese: 恶魔猎手起始区 WoW | 破碎深渊马顿


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