Watch the video to learn how to conquer the Dungeon Razorfen Kraul in Southern Barrens of the game WoW World of Warcraft, in the Retail expansion.
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01: Round Three - Reed Mathis
02: Run Away - TrackTribe
03: Running Scared - Jeremy Korpas
04: Runway Fashion - Spence
05: School Bus Shuffle - Freedom Trail Studio
06: Scratching Teeth - JHS Pedals
You can also find this dungeon in other languages, like:
German: Dungeon Kral der Klingenhauer | Südliches Brachland | WoW World of Warcraft
English: Dungeon Razorfen Kraul | Southern Barrens | WoW World of Warcraft
Spanish: Mazmorra Horado Rajacieno | Los Baldíos del Sur | WoW World of Warcraft
French: Donjon Kraal de Tranchebauge | Tarides du Sud | WoW World of Warcraft
Italian: Spedizione Gallerie di Lamaspina | Savane Meridionali | WoW World of Warcraft
Brazilian Portuguese: Masmorra Urzal dos Tuscos | Sertões Meridionais | WoW World of Warcraft
Russian: Подземелье Лабиринты Иглошкурых | Южные степи | WoW World of Warcraft
Korean: 던전 가시덩굴 우리 | 남부 불모의 땅 | WoW World of Warcraft
Chinese: 地下城剃刀沼泽 | 南贫瘠之地 | WoW World of Warcraft
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