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Highmountain Tauren Starting Zone WoW | Highmountain (Thunder Totem) | World of Warcraft Retail

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Watch this video to know the Highmountain Tauren Starting Zone WoW in Highmountain (Thunder Totem) – Broken Isles - in the game World of Warcraft Retail.

In "World of Warcraft," the starting zone for the Highmountain Tauren is set in Highmountain, a rugged and resource-rich region located on the Broken Isles, introduced in the "Legion" expansion. Highmountain embodies the essence of Tauren culture, steeped in tradition and reverence for nature.


The central hub for the Highmountain Tauren is Thunder Totem, the primary city located in the heart of Highmountain. This multi-level city is uniquely constructed on a massive stone bridge spanning a vigorous river, making it a striking feature of the region. Thunder Totem is easily recognized by its towering central totem, serving as a meeting place for leaders of the various Highmountain tribes.


The landscape of Highmountain features steep terrains, broad rivers, and abundant wildlife, reflecting the themes of nature and survival central to Tauren culture. The area is home to several Tauren tribes, each with its distinct traditions, challenges, and stories, enriching the player's experience as they explore.


This starting zone is intricately designed to introduce players to the culture of the Highmountain Tauren, highlighting their traditions of hunting, fishing, and nature worship. Players engage in quests that aim to unify the tribes against both external and internal threats, weaving through a narrative that honors their rich heritage and deep connection to the land.



01: After Thought - Density & Time


This zone is also available in other languages, such as:

German: Startzone der Hochbergtauren WoW | Der Hochberg (Donnertotem)

English: Highmountain Tauren Starting Zone WoW | Highmountain (Thunder Totem)

Spanish: Zona de Inicio de Tauren Monte Alto WoW | Monte Alto (Tótem del Trueno)

French: Zone de Départ de Tauren de Haut-Roc WoW | Haut-Roc (Totem-du-Tonnerre)

Italian: Zona di Partenza di Tauren di Alto Monte WoW | Alto Monte (Totem del Fulmine)

Brazilian Portuguese: Zona de Início de Tauren Altamontês WoW | Alta Montanha (Totem do Trovão)

Russian: Начальная Зона Таурен Крутогорья WoW | Крутогорье (Громовой Тотем)

Korean: 높은산 타우렌 시작 지역 WoW | 높은산 (천둥 토템)

Chinese: 至高岭牛头人起始区 WoW | 至高岭 (雷霆图腾)


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