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How to Enter Undercity: Alternative Entry? | Tirisfal Glades | World of Warcraft Retail

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Watch this video to find How to Enter Undercity: Alternative Entry? WoW in Tirisfal Glades (Eastern Kingdoms) in World of Warcraft Retail.


Go to Tirisfal Glades, at the coordinates 50.85, 71.52, to find Alternative Entry to Undercity.


01: Scratching Teeth - JHS Pedals


This content is also available in other languages:

German: Wie man die Unterstadt betritt: Alternativer Eingang? | Tirisfal

English: How to Enter Undercity: Alternative Entry? | Tirisfal Glades

Spanish: Cómo Entrar a la Ciudad Subterránea: Entrada Alternativa? | Claros de Tirisfal

French: Comment entrer dans la Ville Souterraine : Entrée Alternative? | Clairières de Tirisfal

Italian: Come Entrare nella Città Sotterranea: Ingresso Alternativo? | Radure di Tirisfal

Brazilian Portuguese: Como Entrar na Cidade Subterrânea: Entrada Alternativa? | Clareiras de Tirisfal

Russian: Как войти в Подземный город: Альтернативный вход? | Тирисфальские леса

Korean: 언더시티에 들어가는 방법: 대체 입구? | 티리스팔 숲

Chinese: 如何进入地下城:替代入口? | 提瑞斯法林地


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