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How to get to Thunder Bluff from Orgrimmar | WoW World of Warcraft

Watch this video to discover How to get to Thunder Bluff from Orgrimmar in WoW World of Warcraft.


To locate the Orgrimmar Zeppelin to Thunder Bluff, go at Orgrimmar (Kalimdor), 43.50, 64.26.


Click below to watch 👇


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You can also find the Zeppelin in other languages, like:

German: Wie man von Orgrimmar nach Donnerfels gelangt | WoW World of Warcraft

English: How to get to Thunder Bluff from Orgrimmar | WoW World of Warcraft

Spanish: Cómo llegar a Cima del Trueno desde Orgrimmar | WoW World of Warcraft

French: Comment se rendre à Pitons-du-Tonnerre depuis Orgrimmar | WoW World of Warcraft

Italian: Come arrivare a Picco del Tuono da Orgrimmar | WoW World of Warcraft

Brazilian Portuguese: Como chegar a Penhasco do Trovão partindo de Orgrimmar | WoW World of Warcraft

Russian: Как добраться из Оргриммара в Громовой Утес | WoW World of Warcraft

Korean: 오그리마에서 썬더 블러프로 가는 방법 | WoW World of Warcraft

Chinese: 从奥格瑞玛到雷霆崖的前往方法 | WoW World of Warcraft


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