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Location of Belestra (Priest Trainer) WoW | Silvermoon City | World of Warcraft Retail

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Watch this video to find where the Location of Belestra (Priest Trainer) WoW in Silvermoon City (Eastern Kingdoms) in World of Warcraft Retail.


Go to Silvermoon City, at the coordinates 54.20, 27.68, to find Belestra (Priest Trainer).


01: Frisk - Au.Ra


This content is also available in other languages:

German: Standort von Belestra (Priesterlehrerin) WoW | Silbermond

English: Location of Belestra (Priest Trainer) WoW | Silvermoon City

Spanish: Ubicación de Belestra (Instructora de sacerdotes) WoW | Ciudad de Lunargenta

French: Emplacement de Belestra (Maître des prêtres)  WoW | Lune-d’Argent

Italian: Posizione di Monlit la Puritana (Istruttrice dei Sacerdoti) WoW | Lunargenta

Brazilian Portuguese: Localização de Lorena Lorie (Treinamento de Sacerdotes) WoW | Luaprata

Russian: Местоположение Белестра (Наставница жрецов) WoW | Луносвет

Korean: 벨레스트라 (상급 사제) 의 위치는 WoW | 실버문

Chinese: 贝蕾丝特拉 (牧师训练师)的位置在哪里 WoW | 银月城


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