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Location of Geoffrey Hartwell (Weapon Merchant) WoW | Undercity | World of Warcraft Retail

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Watch this video to find the Location of Geoffrey Hartwell (Weapon Merchant) WoW in Undercity (Eastern Kingdoms) - in World of Warcraft Retail.


Go to Undercity, at the coordinates 58.50, 32.63, to find Geoffrey Hartwell (Weapon Merchant).


01: Addict - NEFFEX

02: Reckless Shred - Biz Baz Studio


This content is also available in other languages:

German: Standort von Geoffrey Hirschbrunn (Waffenhändler) WoW | Unterstadt

English: Location of Geoffrey Hartwell (Weapon Merchant) WoW | Undercity

Spanish: Ubicación de Geoffrey Hartwell (Mercader de armas) WoW | Entrañas

French: Emplacement de Geoffrey Hartwell (Marchand d'armes) WoW | Fossoyeuse

Italian: Posizione di Geoffrey Cuorfosco (Mercante d'Armi) WoW | Sepulcra

Russian: Местоположение Джеффри Хартвелл (Торговец оружием) WoW | Подгород

Korean: 지오프리 하트웰 (무기 상인) 의 위치는 WoW | 언더시티

Chinese: 吉奥芬·哈特威尔 (武器商) 的位置在哪里 WoW | 幽暗城


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