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Watch this video to find the Location of Mirelle Tremayne (Heavy Armor Merchant) WoW in Undercity (Eastern Kingdoms) - in World of Warcraft Retail.
Go to Undercity, at the coordinates 61.25, 28.74, to find Mirelle Tremayne (Heavy Armor Merchant).
01: 1968 - TrackTribe
This content is also available in other languages:
German: Standort von Mirelle Tremayne (Händlerin für Kettenrüstungen) WoW | Unterstadt
English: Location of Mirelle Tremayne (Heavy Armor Merchant) WoW | Undercity
Spanish: Ubicación de Mirelle Tremayne (Mercader de armaduras pesadas) WoW | Entrañas
French: Emplacement de Mirelle Tremayne (Marchande d'armures lourdes) WoW | Fossoyeuse
Italian: Posizione di Mirelle Tremayne (Mercante d'Armature Pesanti) WoW | Sepulcra
Russian: Местоположение Мирель Тремейн (Торговка тяжелыми доспехами) WoW | Подгород
Korean: 마릴레 트레메인 (갑옷 및 방패 상인) 의 위치는 WoW | 언더시티
Chinese: 米尔雷·特雷曼恩 (重甲商) 的位置在哪里 WoW | 幽暗城
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