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Location of Nan Mistrunner (Fruit Vendor) WoW | Thunder Bluff | World of Warcraft Retail

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Watch this video to find the Location of Nan Mistrunner (Fruit Vendor) WoW in Thunder Bluff (Kalimdor) - in World of Warcraft Retail.


Go to Thunder Bluff, at the coordinates 46.93, 41.43, to find Nan Mistrunner (Fruit Vendor).

Some important items that this NPC trades:

- Shiny Red Apple

- Tel'Abim Banana

- Snapvine Watermelon

- Goldenbark Apple

- Moon Harvest Pumpkin

- Deep Fried Plantains

- Skethyl Berries

- Savory Snowplum

- Tundra Berries

- Sour Green Apple

- Highland Pomegranate

- Red Raspberry

- Plump Fig



01: Luke's Rage - DJ Williams


This content is also available in other languages:

German: Standort von Nan Nebelläufer (Obstverkäuferin) WoW | Donnerfels

English: Location of Nan Mistrunner (Fruit Vendor) WoW | Thunder Bluff

Spanish: Ubicación de Nan Correbruma (Vendedora de frutas) WoW | Cima del Trueno

French: Emplacement de Nan Cours-la-Brume (Marchande de fruits) WoW | Les Pitons-du-Tonnerre

Italian: Posizione di Nan Cavalca Nebbia (Mercante di Frutta) WoW | Picco del Tuono

Russian: Местоположение Нан Вестница Туманов (Торговка фруктами) WoW | Громовой Утес

Korean: 난 미스트러너 (과일 상인) 의 위치는 WoW | 썬더 블러프

Chinese: 纳恩·迷雾行者 (水果商) 的位置在哪里 WoW | 雷霆崖


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