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Location of Sunn Ragetotem (Staff Merchant) WoW | Thunder Bluff | World of Warcraft Retail

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Watch this video to find where the Location of Sunn Ragetotem (Staff Merchant) WoW in Thunder Bluff (Kalimdor) in World of Warcraft Retail.


Go to Thunder Bluff, at the coordinates 49.61, 49.41, to find Sunn Ragetotem (Staff Merchant).


01: Prizefighter - Norma Rockwell


This content is also available in other languages:

German: Standort von Sunn Rachtotem (Stabhändlerin) WoW | Donnerfels

English: Location of Sunn Ragetotem (Staff Merchant) WoW | Thunder Bluff

Spanish: Ubicación de Sunn Tótem de Ira (Mercader de bastones) WoW | Cima del Trueno

French: Emplacement de Sunn Totem-de-Rage (Marchande de bâtons) WoW | Les Pitons-du-Tonnerre

Italian: Posizione di Sunn Totem Rabbioso (Mercante di Bastoni) WoW | Picco del Tuono

Brazilian Portuguese: Localização de Sunn Totem da Fúria (Cajados) WoW | Penhasco do Trovão

Russian: Местоположение Сунна Тотем Ярости (Торговка посохами) WoW | Громовой Утес

Korean: 순 레이지토템 (지팡이 상인) 의 위치는 WoW | 썬더 블러프

Chinese: 苏恩·暴怒图腾 (法杖商) 的位置在哪里 WoW | 雷霆崖


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