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Watch this video to find where the Location of Taur Stonehoof (Blacksmithing Supplies) WoW in Thunder Bluff (Kalimdor) in World of Warcraft Retail.
Go to Thunder Bluff, at the coordinates 40.12, 55.03, to find Taur Stonehoof (Blacksmithing Supplies).
Some important items that this NPC trades:
- Plans: Ebonsteel Belt Buckle
- Plans: Pyrium Shield Spike
- Plans: Pyrium Weapon Chain
- Plans: Hardened Elementium Hauberk
- Plans: Hardened Elementium Girdle
- Plans: Elementium Deathplate
- Plans: Elementium Girdle of Pain
- Plans: Light Elementium Chestguard
- Plans: Light Elementium Belt
- Plans: Light Elementium Belt
- Plans: Light Elementium Belt
- Plans: Elementium Poleaxe
- Plans: Elementium Bonesplitter
- Plans: Elementium Shank
- Plans: Elementium Shank
- Plans: Elementium Stormshield
- Plans: Vicious Pyrium Bracers
- Plans: Vicious Pyrium Gauntlets
- Plans: Vicious Pyrium Gauntlets
- Plans: Vicious Pyrium Boots
- Plans: Vicious Pyrium Shoulders
- Plans: Vicious Pyrium Legguards
- Plans: Vicious Pyrium Helm
- Plans: Vicious Pyrium Breastplate
- Plans: Vicious Ornate Pyrium Bracers
- Plans: Vicious Ornate Pyrium Gauntlets
- Plans: Vicious Ornate Pyrium Belt
- Plans: Vicious Ornate Pyrium Boots
- Plans: Vicious Ornate Pyrium Shoulders
- Plans: Vicious Ornate Pyrium Legguards
- Plans: Vicious Ornate Pyrium Helm
- Plans: Vicious Ornate Pyrium Breastplate
- Plans: Elementium Gutslicer
- Plans: Forged Elementium Mindcrusher
01: Rocking Chair - Unicorn Heads
This content is also available in other languages:
German: Standort von Taur Steinhuf (Schmiedekunstbedarf) WoW | Donnerfels
English: Location of Taur Stonehoof (Blacksmithing Supplies) WoW | Thunder Bluff
Spanish: Ubicación de Taur Pezuña Pétrea (Suministros de herrería) WoW | Cima del Trueno
French: Emplacement de Taur Sabot-de-Pierre (Fournitures de forgeron) WoW | Les Pitons-du-Tonnerre
Italian: Posizione di Taur Zoccolo Granitico (Mercante di Forniture di Forgiatura) WoW | Picco del Tuono
Brazilian Portuguese: Localização de Taur Casco de Pedra (Suprimentos de Ferraria) WoW | Penhasco do Trovão
Russian: Местоположение Тавр Каменное Копыто (Товары для кузнецов) WoW | Громовой Утес
Korean: 타우르 스톤후프 (대장용품 상인) 의 위치는 WoW | 썬더 블러프
Chinese: 陶尔·石蹄 (锻造供应商) 的位置在哪里 WoW | 雷霆崖
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