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Nightborne Starting Zone WoW | Suramar | World of Warcraft Retail

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Watch this video to know the Nightborne Starting Zone WoW in Suramar Broken Isles - in the game World of Warcraft Retail.

In World of Warcraft, the starting zone for the Nightborne is Suramar. The Nightborne are a race of elves residing in the city of Suramar, located in the region of Suramar in the Broken Isles. Suramar is an ancient and majestic metropolis protected by a magical barrier that isolated it from the outside world for thousands of years. The city's architecture is sophisticated and elegant, reflecting the high culture and extensive use of magic by the Nightborne.


Initially under the control of the Burning Legion, the Nightborne went through a period of reconstruction and attempted reintegration into the outside world after gaining their freedom. They join the Horde, seeking allies to protect their city and culture. The first quests for Nightborne players typically involve helping defend the city against invaders, restoring the glory of Suramar, and dealing with threats arising from past alliances with the Burning Legion.


Players have the opportunity to explore the rich history of the Nightborne, their struggle for freedom, and the unique beauty of Suramar while engaging in quests that highlight the magic and tradition of the Nightborne.



01: Turbo Stasis - Sir Cubworth


This zone is also available in other languages, such as:

German: Startzone der Nachtgeborener WoW | Suramar

English: Nightborne Starting Zone WoW | Suramar

Spanish: Zona de Inicio de Nocheterna WoW | Suramar

French: Zone de Départ de Sacrenuit WoW | Suramar

Italian: Zona di Partenza di Nobile Oscuro WoW | Suramar

Brazilian Portuguese: Zona de Início de Filho da Noite WoW | Suramar

Russian: Начальная Зона Ночнорожденный WoW | Сурамар

Korean: 나이트본 시작 지역 WoW | 수라마르

Chinese: 夜之子起始区 WoW | 苏拉玛


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