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Quest A Dish Best Served Huge WoW | The Cape of Stranglethorn | World of Warcraft Retail

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Watch this video to learn how to complete the Quest A Dish Best Served Huge WoW in The Cape of Stranglethorn (Eastern Kingdons) in the game World of Warcraft Retail.


To begin the Quest A Dish Best Served Huge, speak with Captain Hecklebury Smotts located at coordinates 40.31, 67.88 in Booty Bay (The Cape of Stranglethorn). You will need to bring the Giant Crate of Giant Food to Captain Smott’s lifeboat, then use it to summon and kill Negolash. To complete the quest, head to Booty Bay (The Cape of Stranglethorn) and talk to Captain Hecklebury Smotts at coordinates 40.31, 67.88.

❗ Start: Quest A Dish Best Served Huge WoW | The Cape of Stranglethorn | World of Warcraft Retail

😅 Captain Hecklebury Smotts

💬 Take this food, and put it in our old lifeboat, southeast of here along the coast. When Negolash smells all that food, he’ll come running!


And when he does, there will be a stouthearted warlock ready to knock his corpse back into the briny deep.


👀 Quest Objectives: bring the Giant Crate of Giant Food to Captain Smott’s lifeboat, then use it to summon and kill Negolash.


❓ End: Quest A Dish Best Served Huge WoW | The Cape of Stranglethorn | World of Warcraft Retail

😎 Captain Hecklebury Smotts

💬 I can’t believe my fortune, Locknildo! Meeting you has tirned my luck to the better, make no mistake there!


If i ever get a new ship and you’re looking to sail the seas, you would be my honored guest.



- Smotts’ Compass.



01: Castleshire - Chris Haugen




This quest is also available in other languages, such as:


Quest Riesenportionen erwünscht WoW | Das Schlingendornkap | World of Warcraft Retail

Legt die Riesenkiste Riesenessen in Captain Smotts'Rettungsboot. Beschwört Negolash damit und tötet ihn.

 - Negolash getötet

Bereitgestellter Gegenstand:

- Riesenkiste Riesenessen



Quest A Dish Best Served Huge WoW | The Cape of Stranglethorn | World of Warcraft Retail

Bring the Giant Crate of Giant Food to Captain Smotts' lifeboat, then use it to summon and kill Negolash.

- Negolash slain

Provided item:

- Giant Crate of Giant Food



Misión Un plato que se sirve a lo grande WoW | El Cabo de Tuercespina | World of Warcraft Retail

Lleva el cajón gigante de comida gigante al bote salvavidas del capitán Smotts y úsalo para invocar y matar a Negolash.

- Negolash matado

Objeto provisto:

- Cajón gigante de comida gigante



Quête A servir énorme ! WoW | Cap Strangleronce | World of Warcraft Retail

Apportez la Caisse géante de nourriture pour géant au Canot de sauvetage du capitaine Smotts, et utilisez-le pour attirer et tuer Negolash.

- Negolash tué

Objet fourni :

- Caisse géante de nourriture pour géant



Missione Un piatto servito abbondante WoW | Capo di Rovotorto | World of Warcraft Retail

Carica la Cassa Gigante Piena di Cibo sulla scialuppa del Capitano Smotts, quindi usala per attirare e uccidere Negolash.

- Negolash ucciso

Articolo Fornito:

- Cassa Gigante Piena di Cibo


Brazilian Portuguese

Missão Um prato que se come muito WoW | Cabo do Espinhaço | World of Warcraft Retail

Leve a Caixa Gigante de Comida de Gigante para o bote salva-vidas do Capitão Smotts. Depois, use-a para evocar e matar Negolash.

- Negolash morto

Item fornecido:

- Caixa Gigante de Comida de Gigante



Квест Блюдо подается ящиками WoW | Мыс Тернистой долины | World of Warcraft Retail

Отнесите гигантский ящик еды для великанов в спасательную шлюпку капитана Смоттса, затем приманите с ее помощью Неголаша и убейте его.

- Неголаш убито

Прилагается предмет:

- Гигантский ящик еды для великанов



크면 클수록 맛있는 요리 퀘스트 WoW | 가시덤불 곶 | World of Warcraft Retail

선장 스모츠의 구명정에 거인 식량이 담긴 거대 상자를 가져가 네골라쉬를 소환한 후에 처치해야 합니다.

- 네골라쉬 처치

제공된 아이템:

- 거인 식량이 담긴 거대 상자



君子报仇,量足就行任务 WoW | 荆棘谷海角 | World of Warcraft Retail


- 奈古拉什 消灭


- 一巨箱巨人食品




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