Watch this video to learn how to complete the quest All That Remains in Azuremyst Isle in the game WoW World of Warcraft Retail.
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❗ Start: Quest All That Remains | Azuremyst Isle | WOW World of Warcraft ❗
😅 Cowlen
💬 We had lived peacefully among the Owlbeasts of this island. For many years. You can imagine my surprise when they stormed the beach and attacked us.
I fought tooth and nail but was easily overpowered. As i blacked out from the vicious blows that i had been dealt, i prayed that my Family not suffer.
I care not for vengeance, Locknildo. I only ask that their remains be returned to me for proper burial.
👀 Quest Objectives: Cowlen in Azuremyst Isle wants you to recover the Remains of Cowlen’s Family.
❓ End: Quest All That Remains | Azuremyst Isle | WOW World of Warcraft ❓
😎 Cowlen
💬 My wife was named Thalrisa and my daughter, Magwin.
Required items: Remains of Cowlen’s Family.
Thank you, Locknildo. Their spirits will be at peace now.
01: The Saloon - Josh Lippi & The Overtimers
02: The Take Down - DJ Williams
This quest is also available in other languages, such as:
German: Quest Was noch bleibt | Azurmythosinsel | WoW World of Warcraft
English: Quest All That Remains | Azuremyst Isle | WoW World of Warcraft
Spanish: Misión Solo quedan los restos | Isla Bruma Azur | WoW World of Warcraft
French: Quête Tout ce qui reste | Île de Brume-Azur | WoW World of Warcraft
Italian: Missione Tutto ciò che rimane | Isola Brumazzurra | WoW World of Warcraft
Brazilian Portuguese: Missão O que restou | Ilha Névoa Lazúli | WoW World of Warcraft
Russian: Квест Останки семьи | Остров Лазурной Дымки | WoW World of Warcraft
Korean: 카우렌의 부탁 퀘스트 | 하늘안개 섬 | WoW World of Warcraft
Chinese: 遗体任务 | 秘蓝岛 | WoW World of Warcraft
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