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Quest Attracting Attention WoW | The Cape of Stranglethorn | World of Warcraft Retail

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Watch this video to learn how to complete the Quest Attracting Attention WoW in The Cape of Stranglethorn (Eastern Kingdoms) in the game World of Warcraft Retail.


To begin the Quest Attracting Attention, speak with Captain Keelhaul located at coordinates 44.45, 91.59 in The Riptide (The Cape of Stranglethorn). You will need to report to Fleet Master Firallon within the Crimson Veil in the Cape the Stranglethorn. To complete the quest, head to The Crimson Veil (The Cape of Stranglethorn) and talk to Fleet Master Firallon at coordinates 46.72, 95.25.

Start: Quest Attracting Attention WoW | The Cape of Stranglethorn | World of Warcraft Retail

NPC: Captain Keelhaul

Swabbie Locknildo” this is a sad day fer ol’ Cap’n Kellhaul. Today i lose m’best swabbie.


A letter’s come in from Fleet Master Firallon. Apparently he’s heard about the excellent swabbin’ y’been doin’, and he wants t’take ye aborad the Crimson Veil as his Jack o’ Swords and third mate. Sh’s moored just next t’the Riptide.


Piracy career-wise, this’s a big step fer ye, Swabbie Locknildo. I recommend y’take his offer.




Quest Objectives: report to Fleet Master Firallon within the Crimson Veil in the Cape the Stranglethorn.


End: Quest Attracting Attention WoW | The Cape of Stranglethorn | World of Warcraft Retail

NPC: Fleet Master Firallon

So ye be the one that did ol’ Seahoen? Yancey sent word, but i wanted to make sure he hadn’t been telling his tal tales again.


I’ll make it brief. Ye did well on Keelhaul’s crew, but i expect ye to do even better on mine. I’ve got na entire fleet to attend to, so you’ll be helpin’ to run the day-to-day of me ship.


Welcome aboard the Crimson Veil, sailor.



01: Free Spirit - Ashley Shadow


This quest is also available in other languages, such as:

German: Quest Aufmerksamkeit erregen WoW | Das Schlingendornkap

Meldet Euch bei Flottenmeister Firallon im Inneren der Purpurschleier am Schlingendornkap.


English: Quest Attracting Attention WoW | The Cape of Stranglethorn

Report to Fleet Master Firallon within the Crimson Veil in the Cape of Stranglethorn.


Spanish: Misión Llamar la atención WoW | El Cabo de Tuercespina

Preséntate ante el maestro de flota Firallon en el Velo Carmesí, en El Cabo de Tuercespina.


French: Quête Promotion éclair WoW | Cap Strangleronce

Présentez-vous à l’Amiral Firallon à bord de la Voile cramoisie, au Cap Strangleronce.


Italian: Missione Attirare l'attenzione WoW | Capo di Rovotorto

Fai rapporto al Contrammiraglio Firallon sulla Velo Cremisi nel Capo di Rovotorto.


Brazilian Portuguese: Missão Chamando atenção WoW | Cabo do Espinhaço

Fale com o Mestre de Frota Firalião no Véu Carmesim, que está no Cabo do Espinhaço.


Russian: Квест Новые горизонты WoW | Мыс Тернистой долины

Отправляйтесь к командиру флота Фираллону на "Кровавую завесу", швартующуюся у мыса Тернистой долины.


Korean: 끌리는 제안 퀘스트 WoW | 가시덤불 곶

가시덤불 곶의 주홍빛 장막호에 있는 함장 피랠론에게 보고해야 합니다.


Chinese: 吸引注意力任务 WoW | 荆棘谷海角



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