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Quest Bloodsail Treachery WoW | The Cape of Stranglethorn | World of Warcraft Retail

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Watch this video to learn how to complete the Quest Bloodsail Treachery WoW in The Cape of Stranglethorn (Eastern Kingdoms) in the game World of Warcraft Retail.


To begin the Quest Bloodsail Treachery, speak with Bloodsail Correspondence located at coordinates 41.38, 61.21 in Southern Savage Coast (The Cape of Stranglethorn). You will need to report your findings to First Mate Crazz in Booty Bay. To complete the quest, head to Booty Bay (The Cape of Stranglethorn) and talk to First Mate Crazz at coordinates 42.61, 72.10.

Start: Quest Bloodsail Treachery WoW | The Cape of Stranglethorn | World of Warcraft Retail

NPC: Bloodsail Correspondence

The map shows Booty Bay with a red “X” drawn precisely at the spot at which you are standing.


The scribbled texto reads:


“Set up your command post here, and bide your time. The Fleet Master will send out word when it’s time to make your move.”


The map is held in place with a dagger, placed right through the location of Booty Bay.


Quest Objectives: report your findings to First Mate Crazz in Booty Bay.


End: Quest Bloodsail Treachery WoW | The Cape of Stranglethorn | World of Warcraft Retail

NPC: First Mate Crazz

Sure, i remember you, warlock. Back from scouting i see...



01: Double You - The Mini Vandals


This quest is also available in other languages, such as:

German: Quest Blutsegelverrat WoW | Das Schlingendornkap

Meldet Eure Entdeckung dem Ersten Maat Krazz in Beutebucht.


English: Quest Bloodsail Treachery WoW | The Cape of Stranglethorn

Report your findings to First Mate Crazz in Booty Bay.


Spanish: Misión Traición Velasangre WoW | El Cabo de Tuercespina

Informa sobre tus descubrimientos al contramaestre Crazz en la Bahía del Botín.


French: Quête La traîtrise de la Voile sanglante WoW | Cap Strangleronce

Retournez rendre compte de vos découvertes au Second Crazz à Baie-du-Butin.


Italian: Missione Il tradimento dei Velerosse WoW | Capo di Rovotorto

Riferisci quanto scoperto al Primo Ufficiale Crazz nella Baia del Bottino.


Brazilian Portuguese: Missão Traição da Vela Sangrenta WoW | Cabo do Espinhaço

Relate suas descobertas para o Imediato Crazz na Angra do Butim.


Russian: Квест Вероломство пиратов Кровавого Паруса WoW | Мыс Тернистой долины

Доложите о своей находке первому помощнику Краззу в Пиратской Бухте.


Korean: 붉은해적단의 음모 퀘스트 WoW | 가시덤불 곶

무법항에 있는 일등항해사 크래즈에게 당신이 발견한 것을 보고해야 합니다.


Chinese: 血帆的阴谋任务 WoW | 荆棘谷海角



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