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Quest Dangers of the Windfury WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

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Watch this video to learn how to complete the Quest Dangers of the Windfury WoW in Mulgore (Kalimdor) in the game World of Warcraft Retail.


To begin the Quest Dangers of the Windfury, speak with Rull Eagletalon located at coordinates 47.48, 61.31 in Bloodhoof Village (Mulgore). You will need to bring 8 Windfury Talons to Rull Eagletalon in Bloodhoof Village. To complete the quest, head to Bloodhoof Village (Mulgore) and talk to Rull Eagletalon at coordinates 47.48, 61.31.

Start: Quest Dangers of the Windfury WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

NPC: Rull Eagletalon

Thank you for taking the time to speak to me, Druidnildo. I am Rull, warior and teacher.


You have obviously reached an age when you must prepare for your trials if you are to adventure much further out of Mulgore.


If you wish a test of your strength, start by seeking out the Windfury harpies to the southeast. They nestle along the mountain’s edges away from the road.


They are one of our natural enemies here in Mulgore and will be a good gauge of your skill.


Quest Objectives: bring 8 Windfury Talons to Rull Eagletalon in Bloodhoof Village.


End: Quest Dangers of the Windfury WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

NPC: Rull Eagletalon

The Windfuries are deadly foes. Their strength in battle is only rivaled by their desire for fresh meat.


Required items:

- 8 Windfury Talon


You have done well, Druidnildo. You seem well prepared to travel onward. Let the wind always be at your back.



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This quest is also available in other languages, such as:

German: Quest Windfuriengefahr WoW | Mulgore

Bringt Ruul Adlerklaue im Dorf der Bluthufe 8 Windfurienkrallen.

- Windfurienkralle (8)


English: Quest Dangers of the Windfury WoW | Mulgore

Bring 8 Windfury Talons to Ruul Eagletalon in Bloodhoof Village.

- Windfury Talon (8)


Spanish: Misión Las Viento furioso son un peligro WoW | Mulgore

Lleva 8 garfas de Viento furioso a Ruul Garra de Águila al Poblado Pezuña de Sangre.

- Garfa de Furia del viento (8)


French: Quête Le danger des Furies-des-vents WoW | Mulgore

Apporter 8 Serres de Furie-des-vents à Ruul Serre-d’Aigle, à Sabot-de-Sang.

- Serre de Furie-des-vents (8)


Italian: Missione I pericoli delle Furie del Vento WoW | Mulgore

Porta 8 Artigli delle Furie del Vento a Ruul Unghia Lunga al Villaggio di Zoccolo Sanguinario.

- Artiglio della Furia del Vento (8)


Brazilian Portuguese: Missão Perigos das Ventofúria WoW | Mulgore

Leve 8 Garras de Ventofúria para Ruul Garra da Águia na Aldeia Casco Sangrento.

- Garra de Ventofúria (8)


Russian: Квест Соседство со стаей Неистовства Ветра WoW | Мулгор

Принесите 8 когтей гарпий из стаи Неистовства Ветра Руулу Орлиному Когтю в деревню Кровавого Копыта.

- Коготь гарпии из клана Неистовства Ветра (8)


Korean: 성난바람 하피의 위협 퀘스트 WoW | 멀고어

블러드후프 마을에 있는 루울 이글탈론에게 성난바람 하피의 갈퀴발톱 8개를 가져가야 합니다.

- 성난바람 하피의 갈퀴발톱 (8)


Chinese: 风怒鹰身人任务 WoW | 莫高雷


- 风怒鹰身人的爪子 (8)


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