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Quest Dark Iron Scheming | Dun Morogh | WOW World of Warcraft

Watch this video to learn how to complete the quest Dark Iron Scheming in Dun Morogh in the game WoW World of Warcraft Retail.


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❗ Start: Quest Dark Iron Scheming | Dun Morogh | WOW World of Warcraft ❗

😅 Sergeant Bahrum

💬 A cadre of Dark Iron spies have taken over Ironband’s Compound to the south, beyond Helm’s Bed Lake. The mountaineers are Normally able to keep them from getting into Dun Morogh, but everything is an disarray right now.


The Dark Iron dwarves would be fools if they didn’t take adventure of the chaos. We have to find out what they’re planning and stop them before they do any damage.


Will you see if you can discover what they’re doing down at Ironband’s Compound?


👀 Quest Objectives: kill 5 Dark Iron Spies and capture the Dark Iron Attack Plans from Captain Beld at Ironband’s Compound.


❓ End: Quest Dark Iron Scheming | Dun Morogh | WOW World of Warcraft ❓

😎 Sergeant Bahrum

💬 Dark are the Dark Irons up to?


Required items: Dark Iron Attack Plans.


I knew they weren’t here to see the sights.


(The Sergeant examines the plans you captured, his eyes wide).


This is more serious than we thought! This is no mere raid. The Dark Irons intend to cripple the defense of Ironforge itself!



01: Life is Good - Magic In The Other

02: Light Expanse - Unicorn Heads


You can also find this quest in other languages, like:

German: Quest Die Heimtücke der Dunkeleisenzwerge | Dun Morogh | WOW World of Warcraft

English: Quest Dark Iron Scheming | Dun Morogh | WOW World of Warcraft

Spanish: Misión La conspiración de los Hierro Negro | Dun Morogh | WOW World of Warcraft

French: Quête Les Sombrefer ourdissent un complot | Dun Morogh | WOW World of Warcraft

Italian: Missione Complotti dei Ferroscuro | Dun Morogh | WOW World of Warcraft

Brasilian Portuguese: Missão Armações dos Ferro Negro | Dun Morogh | WOW World of Warcraft

Russian: Тайные планы Черного Железа | Дун Морог | WOW World of Warcraft

Korean: 검은무쇠 부족의 음모 | 던 모로 | WOW World of Warcraft

Chinese: 黑铁的阴谋 | 丹莫罗 | WOW World of Warcraft


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