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Quest Flight to Theramore WoW | Northern Barrens | World of Warcraft Retail

Watch this video to learn how to complete the Quest Flight to Theramore WoW in Northern Barrens in the game World of Warcraft Retail.


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❗ Start: Quest Flight to Theramore WoW | Northern Barrens | World of Warcraft Retail

😅 Gazlowe

💬 Listen, i got no special love for the Alliance... but then again, i got no real hate for you guys either.


Your gold is as good as anyone else’s. Sometimes better.


Jeyne left some gold for your travel costs. I believe the person you’re looking for in Dustwallow goes by the name of Calia Hastings. And the best way to get there is to talk to our flight master, Bragok. He’ll fly you there, if you want. The flight’s free, thanks to your friend.


👀 Quest Objectives: speak with Bragok in Ratcher to fly to Theramore. Then report to Calia Hastings.


❓ End: Quest Flight to Theramore WoW | Dustwallow Marsh | World of Warcraft Retail

😎 Calia Hastings

💬 Welcome to Theramore.



01: Valley of Spies - The Whole Other


This quest is also available in other languages, such as:

German: Quest Flug nach Theramore WoW | Nördliches Brachland | World of Warcraft Retail

English: Quest Flight to Theramore WoW | Northern Barrens | World of Warcraft Retail

Spanish: Misión Vuelo a Theramore WoW | Los Baldíos del Norte | World of Warcraft Retail

French: Quête Un vol pour Theramore WoW | Tarides du Nord | World of Warcraft Retail

Italian: Missione Volo per Theramore WoW | Savane Settentrionali | World of Warcraft Retail

Brazilian Portuguese: Missão Voo para Theramore WoW | Sertões Setentrionais | World of Warcraft Retail

Russian: Квест Полет в Терамор WoW | Северные степи | World of Warcraft Retail

Korean: 테라모어로의 비행 퀘스트 WoW | 북부 불모의 땅 | World of Warcraft Retail

Chinese: 飞往塞拉摩任务 WoW | 北贫瘠之地 | World of Warcraft Retail


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