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Quest Last Rites, First Rites WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

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Watch this video to learn how to complete the Quest Last Rites, First Rites WoW in Mulgore (Kalimdor) in the game World of Warcraft Retail.


To begin the Quest Last Rites, First Rites, speak with Chief Hawkwind located at coordinates 27.75, 28.49 in Camp Narache (Mulgore). You will need to use the Ceremonial Offering at Greatmother Hawkwind’s grave. To complete the quest, head to Camp Narache (Mulgore) and talk to Chief Hawkwind at coordinates 27.75, 28.49.

Start: Quest Last Rites, First Rites WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

🫡 Chief Hawkwind

🗨️ The camp is safe, and the quilboar drive off, all thanks to you, young one. You have my personal thanks for what you have done for my mother, my son, and for all of us.


It is now time to put Greatmother Hawkwind to rest. Lay the final offering at her feet, Druidnildo, and we will say our goodbyes.


Quest Objectives: use the Ceremonial Offering at Greatmother Hawkwind’s grave.


End: Quest Last Rites, First Rites WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

😯: Chief Hawkwind

🗨️ There is balance in all things. As Greatmother Hawkwind’s spirit takes its final journey, you will begin your first.



01: Case Study - TrackTribe


This quest is also available in other languages, such as:

German: Quest Riten zum Ende, Riten zum Beginn WoW | Mulgore

Benutzt die Bestattungsgabe an Großmutter Falkenwinds Bestattungsstelle.

 Gabe erbracht

Bereitgestellter Gegenstand:

- Wasserkanne


English: Quest Last Rites, First Rites WoW | Mulgore

Use the Ceremonial Offering at Greatmother Hawkwind's grave.

 Offering Placed

Provided item:

- Water Pitcher


Spanish: Misión Últimos ritos, primeros ritos WoW | Mulgore

Usa la ofrenda ceremonial en la tumba de la abuela Viento de Halcón.

Ofrenda colocada

Objeto provisto:

- Jarra de agua


French: Quête Derniers rites, premiers rites WoW | Mulgore

Utilisez l'Offrande cérémonielle sur la tombe de la Grande-mère Vent-du-faucon.

Offrande placée

Objet fourni :

- Cruche d'eau


Italian: Missione L'estremo saluto WoW | Mulgore

Poni l'Offerta Cerimoniale sulla tomba della Madre Anziana Vento Agile.

Offerta collocata

Articolo Fornito:

- Brocca d'Acqua


Brazilian Portuguese: Missão Últimas preces, primeiras preces WoW | Mulgore

Use a Oferenda Cerimonial no túmulo da Grande Mãe Vento do Falcão.

Oferenda Posicionada

Item fornecido:

- Jarra D'Água


Russian: Квест Погребальный обряд WoW | Мулгор

Принесите церемониальную жертву на могиле Великой Матери Соколиный Ветер.

Жертва принесена

Прилагается предмет:

- Кувшин воды


Korean: 마지막 의식이자 첫 번째 의식 퀘스트 WoW | 멀고어

대모 호크윈드의 무덤가에서 의식용 공물을 사용해야 합니다.

공물 놓기

제공된 아이템:

- 물병


Chinese: 最后的仪式,最初的仪式任务 WoW | 莫高雷




- 水罐


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