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Quest Mor'Ladim | Duskwood | WOW World of Warcraft

Watch this video to learn how to complete the Quest Mor'Ladim in Duskwood in the game WoW World of Warcraft Retail.


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❗ Start: Quest Mor'Ladim | Duskwood | WOW World of Warcraft ❗

😅 Commander Althea Ebonlocke

💬 From what my scouts tell me, Mor’Ladim wanders throughout Duskwood, following a strange and meandering path through the cemetery. We buried him out past the house on the hill, you know where that is?


There isn’t anything I can do to help you, but I wish you good luck.


👀 Quest Objectives: kill Mor’Ladim, then return his skull to Commander Althea Ebonlocke in Darkshire.


Suggested players (3).


❓ End: Quest Mor'Ladim | Duskwood | WOW World of Warcraft ❓

😎 Commander Althea Ebonlocke

💬 I don’t blame you if you’re having trouble with him, Locknildo. Some of our strongest Watchers have been lost to Mor’ladim.


Required items:

- Mor’Ladim’s Skull.


You killed him? That’s no small accomplishment, Locknildo! On behalf of the people of Darkshire and the Night Watch, I thank you.


Ah… there is one small matter, however…



01: Fuzzy and True - The Mini Vandals

02: Get Tough - TrackTribe


You can also find this quest in other languages, like:

German: Quest Mor'Ladim | Dämmerwald | WOW World of Warcraft

English: Quest Mor'Ladim | Duskwood | WOW World of Warcraft

Spanish: Misión Mor'Ladim | Bosque del Ocaso | WOW World of Warcraft

French: Quête Mor'Ladim | Bois de la Pénombre | WOW World of Warcraft

Italian: Missione Mor'Ladim | Boscovespro | WOW World of Warcraft

Brazilian Portuguese: Missão Mor'Ladim | Floresta do Crepúsculo | WOW World of Warcraft

Russian: Квест Мор'Ладим | Сумеречный лес | WOW World of Warcraft

Korean: 모르라딤 퀘스트 | 그늘숲 | WOW World of Warcraft

Chinese: 摩拉迪姆任务 | 暮色森林 | WOW World of Warcraft


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