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Quest Out of Gnoll-where | Loch Modan | WOW World of Warcraft

Watch this video to learn how to complete the quest Out of Gnoll-where in Loch Modan in the game WoW World of Warcraft Retail.


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❗ Start: Quest Out of Gnoll-where | Loch Modan | WOW World of Warcraft ❗

😅 Mountaineer Kadrell

💬 Well met, warlock. We’ve got a problem, and i’d ask you to lend a hand.


It’s gnolls. There’s a mess of the things west of town, reaming the hills. Not usually any cause for alarm, but we’ve not usually had gnolls here in Loch Modan.


I’m curious where they come from, but not curious enough to bother asking the mangy things. Clear ‘em out, i say. Bring back proff of your kills and i’


👀 Quest Objectives: collect 12 Gnoll Ears from Mosshide Scouts or Mosshide Bashers.


❓ End: Quest Out of Gnoll-where | Loch Modan | WOW World of Warcraft ❓

😎 Mountaineer Kadrell

💬 Got some ears for me, then?


Required items: 12 Mosshide Ear.


Nicely done, lad. I could use a warlock like you around here.



01: Jaguar - Quincas Moreira

02: Key to Your Heart - The Mini Vandals


This quest is also available in other languages, such as:

German: Quest Hier ein Gnoll, dort ein Gnoll | Loch Modan | WoW World of Warcraft

English: Quest Out of Gnoll-where | Loch Modan | WoW World of Warcraft

Spanish: Misión Gnoll sé de dónde salen | Loch Modan | WoW World of Warcraft

French: Quête Passe-moi la Gnolle | Loch Modan | WoW World of Warcraft

Italian: Missione Invasione di Gnoll | Loch Modan | WoW World of Warcraft

Brazilian Portuguese: Missão Está chovendo gnoll | Loch Modan | WoW World of Warcraft

Russian: Квест Откуда ни возьмись – гноллы | Лок Модан | WoW World of Warcraft

Korean: 갑자기 나타난 놀 퀘스트 | 모단 호수 | WoW World of Warcraft

Chinese: 凭空出现任务 | 洛克莫丹 | WoW World of Warcraft


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