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Quest Prepare for Takeoff WoW | The Cape of Stranglethorn | World of Warcraft Retail

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Watch this video to learn how to complete the Quest Prepare for Takeoff WoW in The Cape of Stranglethorn (Eastern Kingdoms) in the game World of Warcraft Retail.


To begin the Quest Prepare for Takeoff, speak with Baron Revilgaz located at coordinates 41.11, 73.13 in Booty Bay (The Cape of Stranglethorn). You will need to obtain Narkk’s Handbombs from the Old Port Authority inside Booty Bay. To complete the quest, head to Booty Bay (The Cape of Stranglethorn) and talk to Baron Revilgaz at coordinates 41.11, 73.13.

Start: Quest Prepare for Takeoff WoW | The Cape of Stranglethorn | World of Warcraft Retail

NPC: Baron Revilgaz

I’ve got an idea, but it’s going to envolve some footwork on your part. As a goblin cartel, the Blackwater Raiders have a lot of explosives on hand. In fact, i know for a fact that our old friend Narkk keeps a case in the back of his shop, in the Old Port Authority.


Go grab them and bring them here, if they haven’t already exploted.


Quest Objectives: obtain Narkk’s Handbombs from the Old Port Authority inside Booty Bay.


End: Quest Prepare for Takeoff WoW | The Cape of Stranglethorn | World of Warcraft Retail

NPC: Baron Revilgaz

You brought them! I’m beginning to think the tide is turning in our favor, Locknildo.



01: Bond - Norma Rockwell


This quest is also available in other languages, such as:

German: Quest Startvorbereitungen WoW | Das Schlingendornkap

Besorgt Narkks Handbomben aus der Alten Hafenbehörde in Beutebucht.

- Narkks Handbomben


English: Quest Prepare for Takeoff WoW | The Cape of Stranglethorn

Obtain Narkk's Handbombs from the Old Port Authority inside Booty Bay.

- Narkk's Handbombs


Spanish: Misión Prepárate para despegar WoW | El Cabo de Tuercespina

Obtén las bombas de mano de Narkk de las Autoridades del Puerto Viejo en la Bahía del Botín.

- Bombas de mano de Narkk


French: Quête L’arsenal de Narkk WoW | Cap Strangleronce

Emparez-vous des Grenades à main de Narkk à l'Ancienne capitainerie, à Baie-du-Butin.

- Grenade à main de Narkk


Italian: Missione Prepararsi al decollo WoW | Capo di Rovotorto

Recupera le Bombe a Mano di Narkk dalla Vecchia Capitaneria di Porto nella Baia del Bottino.

- Bombe a Mano di Narkk


Brazilian Portuguese: Missão Preparar para decolar WoW | Cabo do Espinhaço

Pegue as Bombas de Mão de Narkk na Capitania do Velho Porto, na Angra do Butim.

- Bombas de Mão de Narkk


Russian: Квест Приготовиться к взлету! WoW | Мыс Тернистой долины

Добудьте ручные гранаты Наркка в здании портовой инспекции в Пиратской Бухте.

- Ручные гранаты Наркка


Korean: 출항 준비 퀘스트 WoW | 가시덤불 곶

무법항의 구 항만공사에 있는 나르크의 손폭탄을 획득해야 합니다.

- 나르크의 손폭탄


Chinese: 准备起飞任务 WoW | 荆棘谷海角


- 纳尔克的手雷


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