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Quest Pushing Forward | Dun Morogh | WoW World of Warcraft

Watch this video to learn how to complete the quest Pushing Forward in Dun Morogh in the game WoW World of Warcraft Retail.


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❗ Start: Quest Pushing Forward | Dun Morogh | WOW World of Warcraft ❗

😅 Captain Tharran

💬 Most of the mountaineers and steam tanks in Dun Morogh are battling along the Frostmane Front, which is approaching us from the southeast. We can barely hold from the southweast. We can barely hold the trolls back, let alone advance into their village and taken on their leader.


They’ve blocked our path of approach with mysterious totems that choque mountaineers who come in range, leaving the vistims helpless against their enemies. This stone is inscribed with a rune of fire; is should be able to destroy the totems and free our mountaineers.


👀 Quest Objectives: use the Rune of Fire to destroy 4 Constriction Totems in the Frostmane Front.


❓ End: Quest Pushing Forward | Dun Morogh | WOW World of Warcraft ❓

😎 Captain Tharran

💬 Finally, some good news from the Frostmane Front. I’ll have the mountaineers press their attack immediately. Now, we must signal our Gnomish allies at Steelgrill to start their advance.


Choose your reward:

- Campaign Knife

- Gnarled Short Staff



01: California Wind - Bruno E.


You can also find this quest in other languages, like:

German: Quest Vorwärts drängen | Dun Morogh | WOW World of Warcraft

English: Quest Pushing Forward | Dun Morogh | WOW World of Warcraft

Spanish: Misión El avance | Dun Morogh | WOW World of Warcraft

French: Quête La barrière asphyxiante | Dun Morogh | WOW World of Warcraft

Italian: Missione Avanzare | Dun Morogh | WOW World of Warcraft

Brasilian Portuguese: Missão Sempre em frente! | Dun Morogh | WOW World of Warcraft

Russian: Квест Наступление | Дун Морог | WOW World of Warcraft

Korean: 밀어붙이기 퀘스트 | 던 모로 | WOW World of Warcraft

Chinese: 推进任务 | 丹莫罗 | WOW World of Warcraft


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