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Quest Rite of Courage WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

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Watch this video to learn how to complete the Quest Rite of Courage WoW in Mulgore (Kalimdor) in the game World of Warcraft Retail.


To begin the Quest Rite of Courage, speak with Adana Thunderhorn located at coordinates 31.05, 50.65 in Red Cloud Mesa (Mulgore). You will need to recover 7 Stolen Rifles from Bristleback Gun Thieves. To complete the quest, head to Red Cloud Mesa (Mulgore) and talk to Adana Thunderhorn at coordinates 31.05, 50.65.

❗ Start: Quest Rite of Courage WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

😅 Adana Thunderhorn

💬 One of the first lesson you should learn, Druidnilda, is to never understimate your prey.


While we were distracted by the attack on Camp Narache, more of the Bristleback swept in unnoticed and stole a cache of our rifles. You can see them to the south now, filling the air with lead.


This is your Rifle of Courage: brave the hail of gunfire, hunt the Bristlebackgun thieves, and bring back our rifles.


👀 Quest Objectives: recover 7 Stolen Rifles from Bristleback Gun Thieves.


❓ End: Quest Rite of Courage WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

😎 Adana Thunderhorn

💬 How many have you brought me, initiate?


Required items:

- 7 Stole Rifle.


Well done, Druidnilda. Respect your prey and the danger it carries, but never fear it. In fear, you become prey yourself.



- Rabbit Chaser’s Leggings.



01: Beach Walk - Unicorn Heads


This quest is also available in other languages, such as:

German: Quest Ritus des Muts WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

English: Quest Rite of Courage WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

Spanish: Misión Rito del Valor WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

French: Quête Le rite de courage WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

Italian: Missione Il Rituale del Coraggio WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

Brazilian Portuguese: Missão Rito de bravura WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

Russian: Квест Испытание смелости WoW | Мулгор | World of Warcraft Retail

Korean: 용기의 의식 퀘스트 WoW | 멀고어 | World of Warcraft Retail

Chinese: 勇气仪祭任务 WoW | 莫高雷 | World of Warcraft Retail


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