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Quest Rites of the Earthmother WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

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Watch this video to learn how to complete the Quest Rites of the Earthmother WoW in Mulgore (Kalimdor) in the game World of Warcraft Retail.


To begin the Quest Rites of the Earthmother, speak with Chief Hawkwind located at coordinates 27.85, 28.09 in Camp Narache (Mulgore). You will need to speak to Dyami Windsoar atop Fargaze Mesa. To complete the quest, head to Fargaze Mesa (Mulgore) and talk to Dyami Windsoar at coordinates 15.44, 30.25.

Start: Quest Rites of the Earthmother WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

NPC: Chief Hawkwind

Today, you have undertaken a rite of passage far more difficult than we ask of most of our youths. Be proud. Now, it is time for you to continue on your journey.


To the west, beyond our burial ground, you will find a path winding up the mesa. Follow it to the top, and speak with Dyami Windsoar.


Walk with the Earth Mother, friend. You will always be welcome here.


Quest Objectives: speak to Dyami Windsoar atop Fargaze Mesa.


End: Quest Rites of the Earthmother WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

NPC: Dyami Windsoar

If you are prepared to leave Camp Narache behind, i will help call the spirits to guide you onwards.



01: Lazy Rock - Dan Lebowitz


This quest is also available in other languages, such as:

German: Quest Riten der Erdenmutter WoW | Mulgore

Sprecht mit Dyami Windsegler oben auf der Horizontmesa.


English: Quest Rites of the Earthmother WoW | Mulgore

Speak to Dyami Windsoar atop Fargaze Mesa.


Spanish: Misión Los ritos de la Madre Tierra WoW | Mulgore

Habla con Dyami Surcacielos en la cima de la Colina de Vistalonga.


French: Quête Les rites de la Terre-Mère WoW | Mulgore

Parler à Dyami Plane-vent au sommet de la Mesa de Mireloin.


Italian: Missione I Rituali della Madre Terra WoW | Mulgore

Parla con Dyami Plana Vento in cima alla Mesa Sguardo Lungo.


Brazilian Portuguese: Missão Ritos da Mãe Terra WoW | Mulgore

Fale com Dyami Ventos Altos no topo da Chapada Miralonge.


Russian: Квест Обряды Матери-Земли WoW | Мулгор

Поговорите с Дайми Резким Ветром на плато Востроглазой.


Korean: 대지모신의 의식 퀘스트 WoW | 멀고어

아득한 응시의 고원에 있는 디아미 윈드소어와 대화해야 합니다.


Chinese: 大地母亲的仪式 任务 WoW | 莫高雷



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