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Quest Sting of the Scorpid WoW | Durotar | World of Warcraft Retail

📚 World Of Warcraft - 5 Book Collection Set: 

📚 Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor: 2: 

📚 Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms: 1:

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Watch this video to learn how to complete the Quest Sting of the Scorpid WoW in Durotar (Kalimdor) in the game World of Warcraft Retail.


To begin the Quest Sting of the Scorpid, speak with Gornek located at coordinates 44.80, 66.40 in Valley of Trials (Durotar). You will need to Obtain 8 Scorpid Worker Tails. To complete the quest, head to Valley of Trials (Durotar) and talk to Gornek at coordinates 44.80, 66.40.

Start: Quest Sting of the Scorpid WoW | Durotar | World of Warcraft Retail

🫡 Gornek

🗨️ I must send you back into the fields again, warlock. You will find large numbers of scorpids northwest of here. Bring me eight of their tails.


The antidote for their sting is actually made from venom extracted from their stingers. We keep large quantities of antidote for scorpid venom on hand to heal young bloods just like you...


But I'm sure you won't be needing any of that, will you?


Quest Objectives: Obtain 8 Scorpid Worker Tails.


End: Quest Sting of the Scorpid WoW | Durotar | World of Warcraft Retail

😯 Gornek

🗨️ The carapace of a scorpid isn't so thick that the strength of a determined warrior will be deterred. Strike strongly and without doubt, and the scorpids should prove easy prey.


Required Items:

- Scorpid Worker Tail (8)


There is an important lesson that you must take away from fighting scorpids. The smallest or largest of opponents can still send you to your doom. In fierce combat, any number of things can prove your downfall.


I have no more to teach you, Locknildo. You have done well, and I will watch your progress with interest.



You will receive: Venom-Imbued Robes;


This quest is also available in other languages, such as:

German: Quest Stich des Skorpiden WoW | Durotar

Beschafft 8 Skorpidarbeiterschwänze.

- Skorpidarbeiterschwanz (8)


English: Quest Sting of the Scorpid WoW | Durotar

Obtain 8 Scorpid Worker Tails.

- Scorpid Worker Tail (8)


Spanish: Misión Aguijón de escórpido WoW | Durotar

Consigue 8 colas de escórpido obrero.

- Cola de escórpido obrero (8)


French: Quête L'aiguillon du scorpide WoW | Durotar

Obtenir 8 Queues de scorpides ouvriers.

- Queue de scorpide ouvrier (8)


Italian: Missione La puntura dello scorpide WoW | Durotar

Ottieni 8 Code di Scorpidi Lavoratori.

- Coda di Scorpide Lavoratore (8)


Russian: Квест Жала скорпидов WoW | Дуротар

Добудьте 8 хвостов рабочего скорпида.

- Хвост рабочего скорпида (8)


Korean: 전갈의 독침 퀘스트 WoW | 듀로타

일꾼전갈 꼬리 8개를 모아야 합니다.

- 일꾼전갈 꼬리 (8)


Chinese: 工蝎的尾巴任务 WoW | 杜隆塔尔


- 工蝎的尾巴 (8)


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