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Quest The Battleboars WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

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Watch this video to learn how to complete the Quest The Battleboars WoW in Mulgore (Kalimdor) in the game World of Warcraft Retail.


To begin the Quest The Battleboars, speak with Adana Thunderhorn located at coordinates 30.85, 50.80 in Red Cloud Mesa (Mulgore). You will need to kill 10 Armored Battleboars. To complete the quest, head to Red Cloud Mesa (Mulgore) and talk to Adana Thunderhorn at coordinates 30.85, 50.80.

❗ Start: Quest The Battleboars WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

😅 Adana Thunderhorn

💬 There are more threats to be dealt with here. The Bristleback are taming wild boars to be used against us.


These Armored battleboars have been abused beyond hope of recovery; they must be put down, for our safety and their peace. Go to the pens to the south and slay them, Druidnilda. Return to me afterwads.


👀 Quest Objectives: kill 10 Armored Battleboars.


❓ End: Quest The Battleboars WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

😎 Adana Thunderhorn

💬 Good work, Druidnilda. Those beasts could have been a greater threat than the quilboar themselves, if we had not taken action now.



01: Boardwalk - TrackTribe


This quest is also available in other languages, such as:

German: Quest Die Kampfeber WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

Tötet 10 gepanzerte Kampfeber.

- Gepanzerter Kampfeber getötet (10)

English: Quest The Battleboars WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

Kill 10 Armored Battleboars.

- Armored Battleboar slain (10)

Spanish: Misión Los jabaguerreros WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

Mata a 10 jabaguerreros acorazados.

- Jabaguerrero acorazado matado (10)

French: Quête Les sangliers de guerre WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

Tuez 10 Sangliers de guerre cuirassés.

- Sanglier de guerre cuirassé tué (10)

Italian: Missione I cinghiali da guerra WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

Uccidi 10 Cinghiali da Guerra Corazzati.

- Cinghiale da Guerra Corazzato ucciso (10)

Brazilian Portuguese: Missão Os javaliços WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

Mate 10 Javaliços Encouraçados.

- Javaliço Encouraçado morto (10)

Russian: Квест Боевые вепри WoW | Мулгор | World of Warcraft Retail

Убейте 10 бронированных боевых вепрей.

- Бронированный боевой вепрь убито (10)

Korean: 전투멧돼지 퀘스트 WoW | 멀고어 | World of Warcraft Retail

무장한 전투멧돼지 10마리를 처치해야 합니다.

- 무장한 전투멧돼지 처치 (10)

Chinese: 斗猪任务 WoW | 莫高雷 | World of Warcraft Retail


- 重甲斗猪 消灭 (10)


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