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Quest The Bloodsail Buccaneers WoW | The Cape of Stranglethorn | World of Warcraft Retail

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Watch this video to learn how to complete the Quest The Bloodsail Buccaneers WoW in The Cape of Stranglethorn (Eastern Kingdoms) in the game World of Warcraft Retail.


To begin the Quest The Bloodsail Buccaneers, speak with First Mate Crazz located at coordinates 42.60, 71.94 in Booty Bay (The Cape of Stranglethorn). You will need to First Mate Crazz wants you to check the cove north of Booty Bay. To complete the quest, head to Southern Savage Coast (The Cape of Stranglethorn) and talk to Bloodsail Correspondence at coordinates 41.38, 61.25.

Start: Quest The Bloodsail Buccaneers WoW | The Cape of Stranglethorn | World of Warcraft Retail

NPC: First Mate Crazz

You sure seem eager to work, matey. Not sure why some land-loving worgen warlock is offering help to Blackwater Raiders, but i’m not going to turn you away.


We’ve made Booty Bay our happy home away from the high seas, but word has it that the Bloodsail have some new plan cooked up. All me boys are too busy hitting the grop and looking for ladies! What i need is a scout.


Check the cove just north of Booty Bay along the Savage Coast and see what you find.


Quest Objectives: First Mate Crazz wants you to check the cove north of Booty Bay.


End: Quest The Bloodsail Buccaneers WoW | The Cape of Stranglethorn | World of Warcraft Retail

NPC: Bloodsail Correspondence

On top of the barrel, you discover a map with some hastily written text on it, along with some coins.



01: Distant Lands - Hanu Dixit


This quest is also available in other languages, such as:

German: Quest Die Blutsegelbukaniere WoW | Das Schlingendornkap

Erster Maat Krazz will, dass Ihr die Bucht nördlich von Beutebucht überprüft.


English: Quest The Bloodsail Buccaneers WoW | The Cape of Stranglethorn

First Mate Crazz wants you to check the cove north of Booty Bay.


Spanish: Misión Bucaneros Velasangre WoW | El Cabo de Tuercespina

El contramaestre Crazz quiere que eches un vistazo a la cala norte de la Bahía del Botín.


French: Quête La Voile sanglante WoW | Cap Strangleronce

Le Second Crazz veut que vous effectuiez une reconnaissance dans la crique située au nord de Baie-du-Butin.


Italian: Missione I Bucanieri Velerosse WoW | Capo di Rovotorto

Il Primo Ufficiale Crazz ti ha chiesto di dare un'occhiata alla cala a nord della Baia del Bottino.


Brazilian Portuguese: Missão Os bucaneiros da Vela Sangrenta WoW | Cabo do Espinhaço

O Imediato Crazz quer que você cheque a enseada ao norte da Angra do Butim.


Russian: Квест Пираты Кровавого Паруса WoW | Мыс Тернистой долины

Первый помощник Кразз попросил вас осмотреть залив на севере от Пиратской Бухты.


Korean: 붉은해적단 퀘스트 WoW | 가시덤불 곶

일등항해사 크래즈가 무법항 북쪽의 작은 만을 조사해 달라고 했습니다.


Chinese: 血帆海盗任务 WoW | 荆棘谷海角



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