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Quest The Brashtide Crew WoW | The Cape of Stranglethorn | World of Warcraft Retail

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Watch this video to learn how to complete the Quest The Brashtide Crew WoW in The Cape of Stranglethorn (Eastern Kingdoms) in the game World of Warcraft Retail.


To begin the Quest The Brashtide Crew, speak with Captain Stillwater’s Charts located at coordinates 50.40, 91.46 in The Damsel’s Luck (The Cape of Stranglethorn). You will need to speak with Long John Copper on the Damsel’s Luck, Enormous Shawn Stooker on the Crimson Veil, and Wailing Mary Smitts on the Riptide. To complete the quest, head to The Damsel’s Luck (The Cape of Stranglethorn) and talk to Captain Stillwater’s Charts at coordinates 50.40, 91.46.

Start: Quest The Brashtide Crew WoW | The Cape of Stranglethorn | World of Warcraft Retail

NPC: Captain Stillwater’s Charts

The Charts mention a group called the Brashtide Crew. This name is new to you, though you’ve heard about a few other newcomers to the Buccaneers.


Maybe it’s time you paid them a visit and found out what they know.


Quest Objectives: speak with Long John Copper on the Damsel’s Luck, Enormous Shawn Stooker on the Crimson Veil, and Wailing Mary Smitts on the Riptide.


End: Quest The Brashtide Crew WoW | The Cape of Stranglethorn | World of Warcraft Retail

NPC: Captain Stillwater’s Charts

The Brashtide Crew aren’t just pirates... they’re worgen pirates! And they’re joining in on the attack!


Revilgaz is definitely going to want to know about this.



01: Sunshine - The Mini Vandals


This quest is also available in other languages, such as:

German: Quest Die Mannschaft der Trümmerflut WoW | Das Schlingendornkap

Sprecht mit Long John Copper auf der Maid im Glück, Shawn Stooker dem Koloss auf der Purpurschleier und der klagenden Mary Smitts auf der Springflut.

- Sprecht mit Long John Copper

- Mit Shawn Stooker dem Koloss gesprochen

- Sprecht mit der klagenden Mary Smitts


English: Quest The Brashtide Crew WoW | The Cape of Stranglethorn

Speak with Long John Copper on the Damsel's Luck, Enormous Shawn Stooker on the Crimson Veil, and Wailing Mary Smitts on the Riptide.

- Speak with Long John Copper

- Speak with Enormous Shawn Stooker

- Speak with Wailing Mary Smitts


Spanish: Misión La Tripulación Fuertemarea WoW | El Cabo de Tuercespina

Habla con John Copper el Largo en La Damisela Afortunada, con Shawn Stooker el Enorme en El Velo Carmesí y con Mary Smitts la Quejumbrosa en Las Mareas Vivas.

- Habla con John Copper el Largo

- Habla con Shawn Stooker el Enorme

- Habla con Mary Smitts la Quejumbrosa


French: Quête L'équipe des Fiers-à-flot WoW | Cap Strangleronce

Allez parler à Long John le Cuivré à bord de la Chance de la demoiselle, à l’Énorme Shawn Stooker à bord de la Voile cramoisie, et à Mary Smitts la Gémissante à bord du Courant.

- Parler à Long John le Cuivré

- Parler à l’Énorme Shawn Stooker

- Parler à Mary Smitts la Gémissante


Italian: Missione L'Equipaggio Razziamarea WoW | Capo di Rovotorto

Parla con Long John Copper sulla Fortuna della Damigella, con Shawn Stooker l'Enorme sulla Velo Cremisi e con Mary Smitts la Lamentosa sulla Granmarea.

- Long John Copper ascoltato

- Shawn Stooker l'Enorme ascoltato

- Mary Smitts la Lamentosa ascoltata


Brazilian Portuguese: Missão A tripulação do Mareforte WoW | Cabo do Espinhaço

Fale com Long John Copper no Sorte da Donzela, com Shawn Stooker, o Gigante no Véu Carmesim e com Mary Smitts, a Uivadora no Rasgamar.

- Falar com Long John Copper

- Falar com Shawn Stooker, o Gigante.

- Falar com Mary Smitts, a Uivadora


Russian: Квест Братство Крушащей Волны WoW | Мыс Тернистой долины

Поговорите с долговязым Джоном Медяком на "Госпоже Удаче", громилой Шоном Стукером на "Кровавой завесе" и Плаксой Мэри Смиттс на "Буруне".

- Поговорите с долговязым Джоном Медяком

- Поговорите с громилой Шоном Стукером

- Поговорите с Плаксой Мэри Смиттс


Korean: 난폭파도 해적단 퀘스트 WoW | 가시덤불 곶

아가씨의 행운호의 꺽다리 존 코퍼, 주홍빛 장막호의 대인배 숀 스투커, 격정의 파도호의 늑대울음 메리 스미츠와 대화해야 합니다.

- 꺽다리 존 코퍼와 대화

- 대인배 숀 스투커와 대화

- 늑대울음 메리 스미츠와 대화


Chinese: 急浪船帮任务 WoW | 荆棘谷海角


- 跟长牙约翰·库珀谈一谈

- 跟大块头肖恩·斯托克谈一谈

- 跟狼嚎玛丽·史密斯谈一谈



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