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Quest The Final Voyage of the Brashtide WoW | The Cape of Stranglethorn | World of Warcraft Retail

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Watch this video to learn how to complete the Quest The Final Voyage of the Brashtide WoW in The Cape of Stranglethorn (Eastern Kingdoms) in the game World of Warcraft Retail.


To begin the Quest The Final Voyage of the Brashtide, speak with Baron Revilgaz located at coordinates 41.24, 72.91 in Booty Bay (The Cape of Stranglethorn). You will need to speak with Kebok in Booty Bay to board a Bold Wind Rider. Then use the handbombs to kill 85 Brashtide Crewmen and destroy 6 Brashtide Attack Boats. To complete the quest, head to Booty Bay (The Cape of Stranglethorn) and talk to Baron Revilgaz at coordinates 41.24, 72.91.

Start: Quest The Final Voyage of the Brashtide WoW | The Cape of Stranglethorn

🫡 Baron Revilgaz

🗨️ We’ll never survive this attack with all these worgen pirates pouring into the harbor from the north. Luckily, it looks like they’re not armed with cannons, so if we can get you out of the harbor, you can attack from the skies.


Kebok, the Horde flight master’s assistant, is right around the corner. Talk to him and let him know that you’re going to need his bravest wind rider.


Bring a couple armload of handbombs with yoiu. You’ll need all of them to stop those attack boats!


Quest Objectives: speak with Kebok in Booty Bay to board a Bold Wind Rider. Then use the handbombs to kill 85 Brashtide Crewmen and destroy 6 Brashtide Attack Boats.


End: Quest The Final Voyage of the Brashtide WoW | The Cape of Stranglethorn

😯 Baron Revilgaz

🗨️ I hope those mongrels know how to doggy paddle!


Actually, i take that back.


Rewards: you will receive:

- Flight Master’s Gift.



01: Bright Eyed Blues - Unicorn Heads


This quest is also available in other languages, such as:

German: Quest Die letzte Reise der Trümmerflutpiraten WoW | Das Schlingendornkap

Sprecht mit Kebok in Beutebucht und schwingt Euch auf einen tapferen Windreiter. Tötet dann mit den Handbomben 85 Crewmitglieder der Trümmerflutpiraten und zerstört 6 Landungsboote der Trümmerflutpiraten.

- Crewmitglied der Trümmerflut getötet (85)

- Angriffsboot der Trümmerflutpiraten zerstört (6)


English: Quest The Final Voyage of the Brashtide WoW | The Cape of Stranglethorn


Spanish: Misión El viaje final de los Fuertemarea WoW | El Cabo de Tuercespina

Habla con Kebok, que está en Bahía del Botín, para subir a un jinete del viento audaz. Después utiliza las bombas de mano para matar a 85 tripulantes Fuertemarea y destruir 6 barcos de ataque Fuertemarea.

- Tripulante Fuertemarea matado (85)

- Barco de ataque Fuertemarea destruido (6)


French: Quête Le dernier voyage des Fiers-à-flot WoW | Cap Strangleronce

Parlez à Kebok, à Baie-du-butin, pour emprunter un Coursier du vent intrépide. Ensuite, utilisez les grenades à main pour tuer 85 Matelots des Fiers-à-flot et détruire 6 Bateaux d’attaque des Fiers-à-flot.

- Matelot des Fiers-à-Flot tué (85)

- Bateau d’attaque des Fiers-à-flot détruit (6)


Italian: Missione L'ultimo viaggio dei Razziamarea WoW | Capo di Rovotorto

Parla con Kebok alla Baia del Bottino per salire su una Viverna dei Venti Audace, quindi usa le bombe a mano per uccidere 85 Marinai Razziamarea e distruggere 6 Navi da Attacco Razziamarea.

- Marinaio Razziamarea ucciso (85)

- Navi da Attacco Razziamarea distrutte (6)


Brazilian Portuguese: Missão A jornada final dos Mareforte WoW | Cabo do Espinhaço

Fale com Kebok na Angra do Butim para montar em uma Mantícora Audaz. Depois, use as bombas de mão para matar 85 Tripulantes de Mareforte e destruir 6 Barcos de Assalto da Mareforte.

- Tripulante de Mareforte morto (85)

- Barco de Assalto da Mareforte Destruído (6)


Russian: Квест Последнее путешествие Крушащей Волны WoW | Мыс Тернистой долины

Поговорите с Кебоком в Пиратской Бухте и попросите его посадить вас на смелого ветрокрыла. Затем при помощи гранат прикончите 85 матросов из братства Крушащей Волны и потопите 6 боевых лодок братства Крушащей Волны.

- Матрос из братства Крушащей Волны убито (85)

- Уничтожено боевых лодок братства Крушащей Волны (6)


Korean: 난폭파도 해적단 최후의 항해 퀘스트 WoW | 가시덤불 곶


Chinese: 急浪的终航任务 WoW | 荆棘谷海角


- 急浪船员 消灭 (85)

- 摧毁急浪攻击艇 (6)


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