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Quest The Last Wave of Survivors | Darkshore | WoW World of Warcraft

Watch this video to learn how to complete the quest The Last Wave of Survivors in Darkshore in the game WoW World of Warcraft Retail.


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❗ Start: Quest The Last Wave of Survivors | Darkshore | WoW World of Warcraft ❗

😅 Dentaria Silverglade

💬 It’s too late for Laird, he didn’t make it in time.


The last wave of night elves from Auberdine attempted to escape a couple of hours ago. They stayed in their old home, clinging to the hope that it could be salvaged, but it seems they were finally forced out. i fear many of them won’t make it, like Laird did not.


Quickly, go down the coast to the west and find any survivors that you can. We’re sending Sentinels and Hippogryphs down, but every moment counts – we need to know which ones might make it.


👀 Quest Objectives: locate any refugees from Auberdine that are still alive.

- Cerellean Whiteclaw rescued;

- Gershala Nightwhisper rescued;

- Shaldyn rescued;

- Volcor rescued.


❓ End: Quest The Last Wave of Survivors | Darkshore | WoW World of Warcraft ❓

😎 Dentaria Silverglade

💬 Thank you, warlock. Some of them surely would not have made it without you.


We’ll taking the wounded to the main building once we have them all safety back in town. Perhaps you can meet us there later?



01: Beach Brazil - TrackTribe


This quest is also available in other languages, such as:

German: Quest Die letzte Welle Überlebender | Die Dunkelküste | WoW World of Warcraft

English: Quest The Last Wave of Survivors | Darkshore | WoW World of Warcraft

Spanish: Misión La última oleada de supervivientes | Costa Oscura | WoW World of Warcraft

French: Quête La dernière vague de survivants | Sombrivage | WoW World of Warcraft

Italian: Missione L'ultimo gruppo di superstiti | Rivafosca | WoW World of Warcraft

Brasilian Portuguese: Missão A última onda de sobreviventes | Costa Negra | WoW World of Warcraft

Russian: Квест Последняя группа беженцев | Темные берега | WoW World of Warcraft

Korean: 마지막 생존자들 퀘스트 | 어둠해안 | WoW World of Warcraft

Chinese: 最后一波幸存者任务 | 黑海岸 | WoW World of Warcraft


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