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Watch this video to learn how to complete the Quest The Ravaged Caravan WoW in Mulgore (Kalimdor) in the game World of Warcraft Retail.
To begin the Quest The Ravaged Caravan, speak with Sealed Supply Crate located at coordinates 53.58, 48.39in Ravaged Caravan (Mulgore). You will need to return the Venture Co. Documents to Morin Cloudstaker near Bloodhoof Village. To complete the quest, head to Mulgore and talk to Morin Cloudstaker at coordinates 57.05, 60.50.
Start: Quest The Ravaged Caravan WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail
🫡 Sealed Supply Crate
🗨️ Prying open the lid reveals a tightly packed assortment of ore and minerals, more evidence of the Venture Co.’s mining operation in Mulgore. On the top of the ore and minerals you remove a tightly bound sheaf of papers.
Up in the foothills to the east, can barely hear the sounds of work, and see smoke rising from a large fire.
Quest Objectives: return the Venture Co. Documents to Morin Cloudstaker near Bloodhoof Village.
End: Quest The Ravaged Caravan WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail
😯 Morin Cloudstaker
🗨️ Hail, Druildnildo. Have you learned anything new about the Venture Co’s plans and operations in our homeland?
If they plan to exploit our lands as they have others, the Outrunners will be quick to put and end to it.
Required items:
- Venture Co. Documents.
It does indeed appear that the Venture Co. is attempting to rob us of our natural resources. It is good to know this is true, and now it seems, we must do something about it.
01: Controlled Distress - Biz Baz Studio
This quest is also available in other languages, such as:
German: Quest Die Überfallene Karawane WoW | Mulgore
Bringt Morin Wolkenpirscher in der Nähe des Dorfs der Bluthufe die Dokumente der Venture Company.
- Dokumente der Venture Co. (Bereitgestellt)
English: Quest The Ravaged Caravan WoW | Mulgore
Return the Venture Co. Documents to Morin Cloudstalker near Bloodhoof Village.
- Venture Co. Documents (Provided)
Spanish: Misión La Caravana Devastada WoW | Mulgore
Lleva los documentos de Ventura y Cía. a Morin Acechanubes cerca del Poblado Pezuña de Sangre.
- Documentos de Ventura y Cía. (Provisto)
French: Quête La caravane dévastée WoW | Mulgore
Rapporter les Documents de la KapitalRisk à Morin Traqueur-de-Nuage, à côté de Sabot-de-Sang.
- Documents de la KapitalRisk (Fourni)
Italian: Missione La Carovana Depredata WoW | Mulgore
Porta i Documenti della S.P.R. & Co. a Morin Bracca Nubi vicino al Villaggio di Zoccolo Sanguinario.
- Documenti della S.P.R. & Co. (Fornito)
Russian: Квест Разграбленный караван WoW | Мулгор
Отнесите бумаги Торговой компании Морину Ловцу Облаков, которого можно найти неподалеку от деревни Кровавого Копыта.
- Бумаги Торговой компании (Прилагается)
Korean: 습격당한 짐마차 행렬 퀘스트 WoW | 멀고어
블러드후프 마을 근처에 있는 모린 클라우드스토커에게 투자개발회사의 문서를 가져가야 합니다.
- 투자개발회사의 문서 (제공됨)
Chinese: 被破坏的货车任务 WoW | 莫高雷
- 风险投资公司文件 (已提供)
#wowclassicfilms #wowquests #wow #worldofwarcraft #worldofwarcraftretail #kalimdor #mulgore #mulgorequests #questtheravagedcaravan #theravagedcaravan #ravagedcaravan #morincloudstalker #sealedsupplycrate #venturecodocuments