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Quest This Old Lighthouse WoW | Dustwallow Marsh | World of Warcraft Retail

Watch this video to learn how to complete the Quest This Old Lighthouse WoW in Dustwallow Marsh in the game World of Warcraft Retail.


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❗ Start: Quest This Old Lighthouse WoW | Dustwallow Marsh | World of Warcraft Retail

😅 Sergeant Amelyn

💬 The old lighthouse out to the east hasn’t worked for some time, but Babs Fizzletorque has gotten it into her head to get ot working again.


I don’t know how she plans to do it by herself, but she claims that it’ll make the movement of ships and goods into the docks smoother, so i can’t really object. Drawing duty on the docks is really nothing to complain about when you could be on the front lines, you know?


👀 Quest Objectives: speak to Babs Fizzletorque at the lighthouse on the island. East of Theramore.


❓ End: Quest This Old Lighthouse WoW | Dustwallow Marsh | World of Warcraft Retail

😎 Babs Fizzletorque

💬 Good. I can use all the help you can offer. My first priority is to get that lam re-lit.



01: We Could Reach - Freedom Trail Studio


This quest is also available in other languages, such as:

German: Quest Der alte Leuchtturm WoW | Düstermarschen | World of Warcraft Retail

English: Quest This Old Lighthouse WoW | Dustwallow Marsh | World of Warcraft Retail

Spanish: Misión Este viejo faro WoW | Marjal Revolcafango | World of Warcraft Retail

French: Quête Le vieux phare WoW | Marécage d’Âprefange | World of Warcraft Retail

Italian: Missione Il vecchio faro WoW | Acquemorte | World of Warcraft Retail

Brazilian Portuguese: Missão O farol velho WoW | Pântano Vadeoso | World of Warcraft Retail

Russian: Квест Этот старый маяк WoW | Пылевые топи | World of Warcraft Retail

Korean: 오래된 등대 퀘스트 WoW | 먼지진흙 습지대 | World of Warcraft Retail

Chinese: 这座旧灯塔任务 WoW | 尘泥沼泽 | World of Warcraft Retail


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