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Quest Thresher Oil WoW | Dustwallow Marsh | World of Warcraft Retail

Watch this video to learn how to complete the Quest Thresher Oil WoW in Dustwallow Marsh in the game World of Warcraft Retail.


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❗ Start: Quest Thresher Oil WoW | Dustwallow Marsh | World of Warcraft Retail

😅 Babs Fizzletorque

💬 The old log in the lighthouse indicates that the lamp we fueled with oil from the threshers that live along the coast here.


(Babs wrinkles her nose at the mention of such outdated technology).


I suppose it’s a practical, if inelegant solution. The long says that the oil taken from the yougest murk threshers world the best, and those live right underneath the docks of Theramore.


If you’re up for it, would you help resupply the lighthouse with fuel?


👀 Quest Objectives: collect 4 containers of Thresher Oil from Murk Threshers beneath the Theramore docks.


❓ End: Quest Thresher Oil WoW | Dustwallow Marsh | World of Warcraft Retail

😎 Babs Fizzletorque

💬 Were you able to get any of that thresher oil?


Required items: Thresher Oil


Well, i have doubts, but this is the only solution available right now. Once we have it up running. I’m sure there will be time to look at other ways to fuel the lamp.



01: We Ride! - Reed Mathis

02: Willy’s Sunny Side - The Whole Other


This quest is also available in other languages, such as:

German: Quest Drescheröl WoW | Düstermarschen | World of Warcraft Retail

English: Quest Thresher Oil WoW | Dustwallow Marsh | World of Warcraft Retail

Spanish: Misión Aceite de trillador WoW | Marjal Revolcafango | World of Warcraft Retail

French: Quête L’huile de batteur WoW | Marécage d’Âprefange | World of Warcraft Retail

Italian: Missione Olio di Plesiosauro WoW | Acquemorte | World of Warcraft Retail

Brazilian Portuguese: Missão Óleo de mangual WoW | Pântano Vadeoso | World of Warcraft Retail

Russian: Квест Жир крепкозуба WoW | Пылевые топи | World of Warcraft Retail

Korean: 트레샤돈 기름 퀘스트 WoW | 먼지진흙 습지대 | World of Warcraft Retail

Chinese: 蛇颈龙油任务 WoW | 尘泥沼泽 | World of Warcraft Retail


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