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Quest Winterhoof Cleansing WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

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Watch this video to learn how to complete the Quest Winterhoof Cleansing WoW in Mulgore (Kalimdor) in the game World of Warcraft Retail.


To begin the Quest Winterhoof Cleansing, speak with Mull Thunderhorn located at coordinates 48.62, 59.97 in Bloodhoof Village (Mulgore). You will need to use the Winterhoof Cleansing Totem at the Winterhoof Water Well. To complete the quest, head to Bloodhoof Village (Mulgore) and talk to Mull Thunderhorn at coordinates 48.62, 59.97.

Start: Quest Winterhoof Cleansing WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

NPC: Mull Thunderhorn

I have crafted the totem to cleanse the Winterhoof Water Well. Now, you must take it to the well and perform a cleansing ritual. The well is to the southeast, but be warned: whoever did this may still be there, laying in wait.


This may prove very dangerous, Druidnildo. Be careful... but do not left the defilers of our well escape.


Quest Objectives: use the Winterhoof Cleansing Totem at the Winterhoof Water Well.


End: Quest Winterhoof Cleansing WoW | Mulgore | World of Warcraft Retail

NPC: Mull Thunderhorn

The Grimtotem...


(Mull scowls).


I’d hoped to see the end of my days before Tauren attacked other Tauren senselessly on the very plains of Mulgore. But be proud, Druidnildo. You have done a great thing for the land, and for our people.



01: Go Go Gadget Rockstar - The Whole Other


This quest is also available in other languages, such as:

German: Quest Winterhufsäuberung WoW | Mulgore

Benutzt das Läuterungstotem der Winterhufe beim Brunnen der Winterhufe.

- Brunnen gereinigt

Bereitgestellter Gegenstand:

- Läuterungstotem der Winterhufe


English: Quest Winterhoof Cleansing WoW | Mulgore

Use the Winterhoof Cleansing Totem at the Winterhoof Water Well.

- Well Cleansed

Provided item:

- Winterhoof Cleansing Totem


Spanish: Misión La purificación de Pezuña Invernal WoW | Mulgore

Utiliza el tótem de limpieza Pezuña Invernal en el Pozo Pezuña Invernal.

- Limpiar el pozo

Objeto provisto:

- Tótem de limpieza Pezuña Invernal


French: Quête Purification de Sabot-d’Hiver WoW | Mulgore

Utiliser le Totem de purification de Sabot-d’Hiver au puits Sabot-d’Hiver.

- Puits purifié

Objet fourni :

- Totem de purification de Sabot-d'Hiver


Italian: Missione La purificazione degli Zoccolo Artico WoW | Mulgore

Usa il Totem Purificatore degli Zoccolo Artico sul Pozzo degli Zoccolo Artico.

- Purifica il pozzo.

Articolo Fornito:

- Totem Purificatore degli Zoccolo Artico


Brazilian Portuguese: Missão A purificação de Casco Invernal WoW | Mulgore

Use o Totem de Purificação Casco Invernal no Poço Casco Invernal.

- Poço purificado

Item fornecido:

- Totem de Purificação Casco Invernal


Russian: Квест Очищение колодца Заиндевевшего Копыта WoW | Мулгор

Очистите колодец Заиндевевшего Копыта при помощи тотема очищения Заиндевевшего Копыта.

- Колодец очищен

Прилагается предмет:

- Тотем очищения колодца Заиндевевшего Копыта


Korean: 윈터후프 정화 퀘스트 WoW | 멀고어

윈터후프 우물에서 윈터후프 정화 토템을 사용해야 합니다.

-우물 정화

제공된 아이템:

- 윈터후프 정화 토템


Chinese: 净化冰蹄之井任务 WoW | 莫高雷




- 冰蹄之井净化图腾


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