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Undead Starting Zone WoW | Tirisfal Glades (Deathknell) | World of Warcraft Retail

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Watch this video to know the Undead Starting Zone WoW in Tirisfal Glades (Deathknell) – Eastern Kingdoms - in the game World of Warcraft Retail.

In the expansive world of "World of Warcraft," the Undead, or Forsaken, start their journey in the eerie and somber area known as Deathknell, located within Tirisfal Glades. Deathknell serves as the initial hub for new Undead players, providing a thematic introduction to the game’s mechanics through quests, combat training, and NPC interactions.


Tirisfal Glades, the broader region encompassing Deathknell, is marked by its bleak landscapes and gothic atmosphere, reflective of the Forsaken's grim narrative. The color palette is dominated by dark hues, enhancing the sense of desolation and decay that pervades the area. This setting effectively sets the stage for the story of the Forsaken, who are in a constant quest for vengeance against the Lich King.


Undercity, the capital city of the Forsaken, lies beneath the ruins of Lordaeron and is accessed via elevators from the ruins above. This subterranean city is a bustling hub of activity, serving as the political and economic center for the Forsaken. It houses essential services like banks, class and profession trainers, and zeppelin routes that connect to various parts of Azeroth.


This starting zone and its associated areas are intricately designed to immerse players in the unique culture and history of the Forsaken, making it a distinct and memorable part of the "World of Warcraft" universe.



01: California Wind - Bruno E.


This zone is also available in other languages, such as:

German: Startzone der Untoter WoW | Tirisfal (Todesend)

English: Undead Starting Zone WoW | Tirisfal Glades (Deathknell)

Spanish: Zona de Inicio de No-muerto WoW | Claros de Tirisfal (Camposanto)

French: Zone de Départ de Mort-vivant WoW | Clairières de Tirisfal (Le Glas)

Italian: Zona di Partenza di Non Morto WoW | Radure di Tirisfal (Albamorta)

Brazilian Portuguese: Zona de Início de Morto-vivo WoW | Clareiras de Tirisfal (Plangemortis)

Russian: Начальная Зона Нежить WoW | Тирисфальские леса (Похоронный Звон)

Korean: 언데드 시작 지역 WoW | 티리스팔 숲 (죽음의 종소리 마을)

Chinese: 亡灵起始区 WoW | 提瑞斯法林地 (丧钟镇)


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