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Where to buy the Blood Elf mount? | Winaestra (Hawkstrider Breeder) | Eversong Woods | World of Warcraft Retail

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Watch this video to find Where to buy the Blood Elf mount?, Winaestra (Hawkstrider Breeder) WoW in Eversong Woods (Eastern Kingdoms) in World of Warcraft Retail.


Go to Eversong Woods, at the coordinates 61.06, 54.60, to find Winaestra (Hawkstrider Breeder).

Interact: You’ll be purchasing no hawkstrider here until you’ve proven your worth and dedication to our people.


Do not return until you are considered exalted among the blood elves. Away with you!


Some important items that this NPC trades:

- Red Hawkstrider

- Swift Pink Hawkstrider

- Blue Hawkstrider

- Black Hawkstrider

- Purple Hawkstrider

- Swift Green Hawkstrider

- Swift Purple Hawkstrider



01: Stealth - Aakash Gandhi


This content is also available in other languages:

German: Wo kann man das Reittier der Blutelfen kaufen? | Winaestra (Falkenschreiterzüchterin) | Immersangwald

English: Where to buy the Blood Elf mount? | Winaestra (Hawkstrider Breeder) | Eversong Woods

Spanish: ¿Dónde comprar la montura de los elfos de sangre? | Winaestra (Criadora de halcones zancudos) | Bosque Canción Eterna

French: Où acheter la monture des Elfes de sang? | Winaestra (Eleveuse de faucons-pérégrins) | Bois des Chants éternels

Italian: Dove comprare la cavalcatura degli Elfi del Sangue? | Winaestra (Allevatrice di Zampalesta) | Boschi di Cantoeterno

Brazilian Portuguese: Onde comprar a montaria dos Elfos Sangrentos? | Vinestra (Criadora de Falcostruzes) | Floresta do Canto Eterno

Russian: Где купить средство передвижения эльфов крови? | Винестра (Заводчица крылобегов) | Леса Вечной Песни

Korean: 블러드 엘프 탈것을 어디서 살 수 있나요? | 위내스트라 (매타조 관리인) | 영원노래 숲

Chinese: 哪里可以买到血精灵坐骑? | 维奈丝特拉 | 永歌森林


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